A normal day in my life you ask? Well here it is...
First of all I wake up and get ready. Living at Campus on Harvard University is pretty awesome and the view from my room is even better. If you wake up really early you can look out the window you can see how the University comes to life under the bright sunlight. It's amazing. I would post a picture but it feels like ruining it and I guess you got to come here to see it for yourself. Anyways, I wake up, eat a healthy breakfast by the window, brush my teeth and take a shower and put something on from my wardrobe (my leatherjacket included). Then I pack the last thing into my bag and go to whatever class I have. Pretty standard morning.
Before I walk out the door I usually put on a pair of sneakers or other shoes. I love all of my shoes and second to my leatherjacket it's my favorite items in my wardrobe. And why these shoes? Because they are just like everything else in my wardrobe they are very comfortable and don't look too bad. Here's one of many pairs.
Some rights reserved by Wicker Paradise)

The first picture isn't a small part of what we call the Harvard University. This is one of many entrances but I wanted to give you an idea of what the buildings look like. Harvard is a huge collage and a has an enormous campus and I love it. The second picture is of the Harvard Yards. This is part of what you can see from my the window in my room at campus.
(Sourse:http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_University#/media/File:Harvard_college_-_annenberg_hall.jpg and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_University#/media/File:HarvardYard.jpg)
After finishing all the lessons of the day, I usually meet up with my friends. We either go to the coffeehouse, that I talked about in earlier posts, or sit on the green gras of the Harvard Yards where we hang out and often bring our homework. Later on I go home and try to relax a little by either dancing or playing instruments. But what do I do next?
It's something that's very important to me just like dance and music, I do love a great... what? Look at the picture below and try and figure out what this important thing is?
(Sourse: http://www.4passi.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/libri-44.jpg)
And the riddle was, good. This post was great. My Fancy Fakebook is awesome. But my life? It's Perfect.