onsdag 18 mars 2015

Interview - with myself?!

Well, I don't know if you can call this an interview but it's me answering a few random and maybe interesting questions that I think you may have, or not. Let's get started with question number one.

1. What languages do you speak? 
Answer: I speak a few different languages. Swedish and english is given (because I live in US and I was born and raised in Sweden). I also speak tigrinya which is my mother tongue and in school I use to study spanish as a fourth languish. 

2. Have you ever been pulled up by a cop?
Answer: No, I recently got my drivers licens and I've been very careful. So, no not yet. 

3. What cheers you up? 
Answer: A good song, great company and laughter. No other words are needed to describe happiness. 

4. Are you still learning who you are? 
Answer: I'm one of those people who don't really think that a person ever get to know themselves fully. Many of us underestimate how much we can do and what we can accomplish and some overestimate it. I don't think that you will surprise yourself a lot through life and somehow I think that's awesome. 

5. Have you ever been in a food fight? 
Answer: No, I haven't but I'd love to, as long as the food wasn't soup. 

6. If you could retire tomorrow, would you do it? 
Answer: Well first of all retiring would require a job, which I don't have. If I had on I wouldn't because the thought of having nothing to do all day long, is exhausting. I mean now I go to school and I have homework, music and dance. I also have my friends and knowing that friends, music and dance is pretty much it wouldn't fill my day and I'd be pretty board. I mean, I have a hard time getting trough summer break. 

7. If you could choose a method of dying, what would it be? 
Answer: I know that like the most of people, I'm not in love with the idea of dying but I also hate the thought of dying painful and slow. I know for sure I don't want to drown or burn to death. I also know that I don't want to die of old age. That would mean that I couldn't take care of myself so I'd rather die when I still am capable of taking care of myself. So natural death, but not painful, slow, out of old age or drowning and fire. 

Okay, so that's the lucky seven questions. Hope that's good enough, and I have to say that even though the answers aren't perfect, my life it is

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